Colon Cleanse Protocol

The Balanced Babes Signature 3-Day Colon Cleanse Protocol for:
  • Happy Hormones
  • Clear Skin
  • Weight Loss
  • Digestive Discomfort
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Learn exactly how to 'clear out your crap' and completely reboot your system in just 3 days! Protocol designed by Naturopath & Nutritionist Stacey Foat

Discover the Life Changing Benefits of Colon Cleansing

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Unlock the FREE protocol, learn the easy to implement process at home with the support of professional, safe, Naturopathic guidance and practices
The Naturopathically designed, highly effective protocol is the fastest way to restore balance to your hormones, by rapidly cleansing toxic build up in the colon which destroys the beneficial microflora of the bowel, leading to all kinds of dysfunction in the body from poor digestion, poor immunity, compromised mood and mental health, inflammation, weight gain and much more. 

This rapid protocol, not only cleanses your insides, improving digestion, it supports the safe detoxification of the liver which has a direct hormone balancing effect, elimination of toxic chemicals from the body improving skin health, brain fog, stubborn weight and low energy.

Explore our free, tried and tested protocol and make the most of the Naturopathic products to enhance your results and fast track your results!

Balanced Babes Colon Cleanse Testimonial

Hey, Lee here. I just wanted to share that my hubby and I just finished Stacy's 3-day juice fast colon cleanse, and we feel absolutely amazing. It's something I've been wanting to do for so long and just kept putting it off—'now is not the right time'—but there's never a right time. There's always stuff, right? We just have to make our health a priority. And I made it happen, and I'm so grateful that I did. I cleared my calendar, followed everything Stacy said. Her videos are so well laid out; there was no stone left unturned, and it's amazing. I highly recommend it.

So, day one, I felt a little bit hungry here and there—not too bad actually—but I made the mistake of leaving some juice and water too late in the evening, so don't do that. Good tip there! I was up a lot through the night. Day two, I felt a bit headachy and a little low on energy, but it was probably due to lack of sleep as well. Then I felt amazing on day three—had so much energy and have ever since. Waking up with so much more clarity. Even my husband said the other day, 'I feel like I wake up and just feel clean.' You know, you can feel the difference. So, I highly recommend that if it's something you've been thinking about doing, Stacy's amazing. Her protocol is amazing, and everything is laid out for you. So, dive in.

Leigh Walker

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Hi there, my name is Crystal, and I am just recommending Stacy's 3-day Colon cleanse. I had some pretty concerning symptoms, but by day 2, about halfway through the day, they were completely gone. I found that I wasn't hungry during the cleanse, which I was actually quite concerned about, but there's just so much fluid that I didn't even have time to think about being hungry. If you drink everything that's on the protocol, I don't know how you could be hungry! By the end of it, I felt amazing. If I didn't love food so much, I reckon I could have continued for more days, but I just love to chew food more than anything—not just drink fluids. But yeah, it's well and truly worth it. I'd give it a go if I were you and had any issues at all.


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