The Hormone Transformation that will Change your Life!

Fall back in love with your body, your life, your health, your relationship and yourself with our 8week challenge & 6month Group Coaching Program!
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Kick-start your healing journey with targeted support so you can nail your health goals!

Balanced Babes 8week Bootcamp Transformation
8 week Physical, Spiritual and Emotional transformation for happy, balanced hormones!!

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GROUP COACHING....let the Sisterhood transform your life

6 months of personal expansion, body awakening, Accountability & Coaching awaits you with your Bootcamp Enrolment
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balanced babes bootcamp...

The 8week Transformation that will Change your Life!

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 Bonus Gift - Valued at $99 

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  • Receive a FREE Naturopathic Herbal Tonic with every enrolment.
    Adrenal & Thyroid Tonic includes: Ashwaghanda, Siberian Ginseng, Licorice, Bladderwrack, Bacopa
    500mlm, valued at $99

  • Increase your energy, restore adrenal health and jump start your Thyroid

Take your career and
expertise to a new level!

1:1 Naturopathic Assessment & Coaching Call with Stacey

Personalise your healing journey with your exclusive 1:1 coaching Session, where you can map out the most specific plan of attack for you, interpret tests or symptoms and help you overcome your specific health blocks. Stacey can refer you for tests, help you break down limiting beliefs with a personalized Kinesiology session or simply help you to better understand your body and what it needs to heal. 

6 Months Group Coaching

Weekly, motivational check-in's working through practical exercising, reframing old beliefs and uncovering new energized perspectives about health and how you view your body! These calls include guided processes to help you move through blocks, including Breathwork, Meditation & The Emotional Freedom Technique. These calls are priceless and are recorded if you can't make them live. 6.30pm AEST Tuesday evenings via Zoom

Lifetime Access to Education Platform

8 modules to work through the 8 major areas that contribute to hormone imbalances as well as additional Bonus Training & Education to keep your health on track beyond the 8week transformation. You'll get lifetime access to this content to you work at your own pace and review anytime. This content is about empowering and educating you in understanding your body and what it needs to find balance, so you can take charge of your healing journey and maintain balance for the rest of your life! 

Printable PDF Program Guide

The 8week transformation Guidebook is your step by step handbook which you can use to follow the weekly tasks and find out how to easily implement each weeks new health hacks! The printable guidebook includes all of the instructions you need for successfully implementing all of your Bootcamp challenges, take notes and record your progress! 

Journal Prompts & Guidebook

Another handy printable guide, this is your bible for all things emotional healing, learning the art of connecting with your body, building self-awareness and building a deeper connection with yourself and in turn your partner and family. Journaling is a powerful transformation tool which helps to build self-confidence and help you to make sense of your thoughts, this journal guide is a game changer when it comes to your results and cementing lifelong change! 

Bootcamp for your Hormones!

Imbalanced Hormones wreak havoc with your physical body and emotions, which is why we holistically address it all over these jam packed 8 weeks!
  • Physical Healing

    Health hacks, Diet, lifestyle & Supplement intervention to increase energy, heal your digestion, lose weight and improve your skin
  • Spiritual Healing

    Breathwork, Yoni Steaming, Cacao ceremony & other sacred practices to re-connect your with your purpose
  • Emotional Healing

    Learn & implement the Emotional Evolution Technique to help you move through triggers, blocks and self-sabotage
  • Group Healing

    Share your journey with like minded women, navigating the same hormonal changes to help you better understand your body and stay motivated

Bootcamp Self-Care Kit for FREE


  • Everything you need to complete the 8 weekly Health Hacks
  • Balanced Babes: Supplements CleanseMe Colon Cleanse &  RestoreME Probiotics
  • Enema Kit, Cacao, Castor oil Pack Kit, Bulb Syringe, Essential Oil blends, Yoni Steaming herbs
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Balanced Babes: CleanseME colon cleanse

Signature Colon Cleanse product used for the 3day Colon Cleanse protocol for hormone balance, gut health and digestion

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Balanced Babes: RestoreME Probiotic

Broad Spectrum, 10 Multi strain blend in powder form for the most targeted administration and best supportive gut health 

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Balanced Babes:
Enema Kit

Lightweight, easy to use, easy to clean at home enema kit essential for liver and colon cleansing

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Balanced Babes:
Yoni Steaming Herbs

Handcrafted dried herbal blend specific for nourishing Vaginal health & connecting with the womb, a sacred part of the Feminine Healing module

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Balanced Babes: Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oil & Compress 

Organic cold pressed Castor oil packaged in glass for ultimate quality with an organic bamboo compress cloth for Liver packing and detoxification support 
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Balanced Babes:
Bulb Syringe

Easy to use, BPA free bulb syringe for probiotic implants for enhanced gut health and microbiome support
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Balanced Babes: Organic Ceremonial Cacao

Pure Ceremonial Organic Cacao for nervous system regulation and intuition connection
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Balanced Babes: Signature Essential Oil Blend for Liver

2 signature blends, 1 to support liver healing and detoxification and the other for balancing hormones and assisting with the management of painful, heavy periods, clots, fibroids and cysts. 

The 8week Bootcamp is for....

Woman who are struggling with...

Fatigue, full Body exhaustion and a lack of Motivation

We utilize QUICK, EASY to implement hormone bio-hacking techniques to regain your energy, and excitement for life. Easy to follow dietary guidelines, deep understanding of your body and its needs and quick health hacks to help you gain more vitality and self-awareness to make healthier choices for your lifestyle .

Mood Swings and Emotional Ups and Downs

We'll balance your hormones and stabilize your mood with Self-Care and emotional evolution exercises to have your feeling in control of your mood and banish that debilitating PMS. With journal prompts and your printable guidebook we'll help you understand what you are feeling, how to communicate what you need and how to seek support from your partner to create an emotionally supportive home and work environment. 

Low Libido & a Lack of Self-Confidence

With our group coaching we'llbe focusing on help0ing you to get back in touch with your body, your hobbies and your passions so you feel more aligned and able to set healthy boundaries and stop warrying yourself down doing things out of obligation or fear. We'll realign your energy with confidence and help you to start living in alignment with your values which naturally energizes the soul allowing you more time and excitement for intimacy with your partner

Disconnection from their bodies and their partner or children

Our number 1 goal is to create self-awareness so that you can start to understand the habits that support your body and choices that harm your body. Through learning the art of listening to your body and understanding the messages of your hormones you'll be able to create a daily routine of self-care that feels good, that you want to make time for and learn loads of health hacks you can share with the whole family

What's included?

Everything you could need in the one purchase 

Easy to Follow 8week program Guide

Downloaded & printable full instruction guide, with the complete  list of health hacks, To do lists and everything you need to know

Lifetime Access to Bootcamp Education Portal

8 online modules, addressing the mindset and health hacks necessary for transforming your relationship with your body and balancing your hormones

6months of Live Group Coaching

Weekly group coaching calls for mindset and education, hosted on zoom. 6.30pm AEST Tuesday evenings. Calls are recorded & replays shared in the Facebook Group

6 months Access to the Facebook Support Group & Coaching Calls

Maximize your 8week transformation results with the support of the Balanced Babes Sisterhood within the Bootcamp Participants Facebook Group and Weekly live Coaching Calls. Monthly coaching is valued at $29 and can be continued beyond the 6month initial enrolment if desired. 

1 on 1 Private Coaching Call with Stacey

Individualize your program with the Support of Stacey in your 1 on 1 coaching call, where Stacey will make specific personalized recommendations to help you achieve your personal health goals

Bootcamp Self-Care Starter Kit

Valued at $276 includes everything you need to complete the 8week Bootcamp including Colon Cleanse powder, Probiotics and much more!

Created by

Stacey Parry-Foat
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Naturopath, Nutritionist, Hormone Specialist
Stacey has been working in the field of Naturopathy for 17 years, choosing to specialize in supporting women through the often overwhelming task of understanding their hormones, connecting with their body, surrendering into the feminine and most importantly mastering the art of Self-Acceptance
In 2011 Stacey overcame her own battle with 'unruly' hormones and self-worth demons, healing herself from PCOS, overcoming an underactive Thyroid, clearing up cystic acne and Eczema an losing 14kg. 
But her biggest achievement was changing her beliefs about her body, learning how to love herself, stepping into her powerand finding her self-belief. 
And this is exactly what she is going to teach you  how to do for your own personal healing journey over this 8 week Bootcamp, learn the art of Self-Love, connect with your intuition and fall back in love with your ENTIRE LIFE! 

Being a Balanced Babe is Easy!

in just 8 weeks imagine what you too can achieve! 

Tara Noller, age 36, Gold Coast 

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Melissa Thriemer, Sunshine Coast, age 45
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Pay in Full Price $999
Or available on a Payment Plan of $1180 over 10 weeks

8week Bootcamp Schedule

Pay in Full Price: $1999
6month Payment Plans Available!!! 

Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.

Check out the Full Terms & Conditions here:


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to follow the program strictly for results?

Our Motto at Balanced Babes is "Doing something is better than doing nothing" so we encourage you to work at your own pace, following along and implementing only as much is possible for you. This is why we offer lifetime access to the 8week transformation and the associated education, so you can' work at your own pace. The more you an implement, the faster your results will be. 

I'm not actually 'sick' or having any major hormone imbalances, will this program still benefit me?

HELL YES!!!! The 3 key elements to Bootcamp is: MINDSET...motivation and clearing out limiting beliefs so that you can create your dream life! 
SELF-CARE: Setting up daily routines that energize you and raise your vibration.
CLEANSING: Easy day to day cleanse hacks which prevent disease
MANIFESTATION: Creating your dream life, relationships and career 

What does the Eating plan on the Bootcamp consist of?

At Balanced Babes, we understand that ALL bodies are different so we don't believe in a 1 size fits all, so we focus on eating guidelines to follow instead of strict diets. However our Bootcamp does include 2 different meal plans: Meat based and Vegetarian based for those who like to follow a meal by meal daily plan. 

Do you offer an Affiliate Commission for referring my friends?

Upon signing up, you can access the Balance Academy Affiliate program, which means you can share the program details on social media or with friends and family. For anyone who registers for the Bootcamp with you affiliate link you will receive $100 AUD 

What DON'T I have lifetime access to?

The live Group Coaching, also known as our Sisterhood Sessions. This is a bonus on top of your online education portal, which displays everything you need to know about successfully undergoing your 8week transformation.
The bonus coaching is about adding additional value to your overall life, helping you to make mindset shits, retrain the brain, eliminate limiting beliefs and connect more deeply with your heart and soul. As part of your Bootcamp registration, you will receive 6 months access to the Sisterhood Sessions

What is the Balanced Babes Sisterhood?

Our Sisterhood Sessions is the name for our Group Coaching Calls. As part of Bootcamp Enrolment, you get 6 months Bonus access to this priceless mindset training. Beyond your 6 Months access, you can join the Sisterhood, which is $29 per month which gives you access to the live group coaching at 6.30pm Tuesdays EVERY week, as well as ALL Recordings for all previous Session, so you can tune in and undergo the processes as you need to. 
Our sisterhood sessions always include guided healing processes to help you connect with your higher self, connect with your intuition and start to clear emotional blocks which are stopping your from achieving your ideal life. These include processes surrounding health, money & finances, relationships and love. 

What if I can't attend the live calls?

Our group coaching calls, AKA Sisterhood Sessions are held on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm AEST via Zoom, every week, which you have 6 months access to this life changing, motivational coaching. If you can't make a live call, the recordings are uploaded to your Facebook support group, which you also have 6 months access to. All live impromptu videos and the weekly video check-ins are done in the Facebook group and remain active in the group ongoing so can be viewed at any time. You will be tagged each time a new video is uploaded so you don't miss anything. 

Can I stay in the Sisterhood, AFTER my 6 months is up?

ABSOLUTELY.  You will have the opportunity to enroll to our Sisterhood Sessions.
This is a $29 a month subscription which gives you access to weekly Zoom Coaching with Stacey. 
This can be cancelled at any time, with no lock in contract. 

Do I have to follow the program strictly for results?

Our Motto at Balanced Babes is "Doing something is better than doing nothing" so we encourage you to work at your own pace, following along and implementing only as much is possible for you. This is why we offer lifetime access to the 8week transformation and the associated education, so you can' work at your own pace. The more you an implement, the faster your results will be. 

Do I have to take a lot of Supplements for this Program?

No. And the 3 supplements that you do utilize, are included as part of your Bootcamp so there's no additional costs. 
Bootcamp is based around the implementation of 'health hacks' which address the cause of your imbalances, rather than seek to band aid the symptoms with supplements. Depending on your individual health presentation, Stacey may recommend additional supplements during your private health assessment if she believes they can fast track your results, which are optional and only a recommendation.

What does the Eating plan on the Bootcamp consist of?

At Balanced Babes, we understand that ALL bodies are different so we don't believe in a 1 size fits all, so we focus on eating guidelines to follow instead of strict diets. However our Bootcamp does include 2 different meal plans: Meat based and Vegetarian based for those who like to follow a meal by meal daily plan. 

Do you offer an Affiliate Commission for referring my friends?

Upon signing up, you can access the Balance Academy Affiliate program, which means you can share the program details on social media or with friends and family. For anyone who registers for the Bootcamp with you affiliate link you will receive $100 AUD 
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